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Breakfast, School Run, Chemo

One day I was sitting around a kitchen table with a group of wonderfully talented women, coming up with ideas to help Julia Watson self-publish a book based on her blog, Five Fairies and a Fella. A week later, she had a publishing deal with Black Inc. and I was asked to copyedit her manuscript.

Julia’s blog was, obviously, brilliant but it needed some love to shape it into a book.

With the help of a few mugs of tea and some Portuguese custard tarts we soon had the manuscript reading the way she had always imagined it.

If you’ve read any of Julia’s writing, you know how fabulous she is. And if you haven’t, go out and grab a copy of Breakfast, School Run, Chemo.

P.S. Julia appeared on 60 Minutes and when I got to the scene where she saw her published book for the first time, I totally lost it.

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